Cooking Class Villino Le Tolfe

Yesterday I had a cooking class with these amazing people!!!
Every time I attend to a cooking class I enjoy that moment, and it is not only work for me, but also sharing different ideas or talk about things that we didn’t know before. Yesterday night it was one of that time when you immediately feel connected with people since the first moment. I wanted to take more pictures but chatting each other made me forget the camera !!! They are so sociable and easy going people and so interesting topics ! We talked about many things in addition to food and recipes … for example gardening!!! They are so good at growing vegetables!! They have got their own vegetables garden and you should watch the pictures of the big leaves of chards, kales and many kind of salads !
But they have their own secret, revealed only to me and my precious husband !!! 😉 Maybe I will try to built that garden and use the vegetables I get from it to use them in my next cooking classes ! Thank you guys, I hope to meet you again!