Information on Coronavirus in Tuscany

Answers to the most important questions for anyone travelling or planning to travel in Tuscany
Dear friends, the whole world is facing this difficult moment about the Coronavirus, but Italy, more than other countries, is the one that suffers the most. In fact, our culture, art, food and landscape are on top of the most visited places in the world. I don’t know why some television networks broadcasted images where, it seems that it was Italy the place where the virus came from, rather than the city of Wuhan in China. Other than that Italy, up to now, has been the only country that made public the numbers of human cases affected. That said, I would like to inform you about the current situation in Tuscany, hoping that everything will work out very soon!

Tuscany is not currently classified as an area at risk.
Tuscany and Italy have one of the most efficient healthcare systems in the world. Tuscany guarantees to foreign visitors, whether here for recreation, study or work, the same assistance that it offers to its citizens: free, public, and universal.
On March 4 and 8, the Italian Government adopted further extraordinary measures to prevent the contagion, suspending teaching in schools and universities, closing museums, cinemas and other social venues, as well as introducing new legislation for public spaces to better protect Italians and international visitors.What is the situation at the moment in Tuscany?
There are no contagion hotspots in Tuscany. All the patients have been isolated according to procedure. Is the region accessible?
Ports, airports, stations and motorways are open and operational as normal. Transit into and out of Tuscany is as normal.
As advised by the Ministry of Health, from 7 February, Toscana Aeroporti, the company that manages Tuscany’s airports, has been measuring body temperatures on all passengers arriving in the region.Arrival and departure of public transport
Public transport is currently running as normal. For up-to-date information we recommend that you get in direct contact with airlines, maritime, bus and train companies.Are Tuscany’s museums and attractions closed?
As a precautionary measure, museums, theatres and all places subject to crowding are closed.What precautions has the Tuscany health system taken to protect residents and visitors?
Tuscany Region guarantees its constant collaboration with the national health authorities and with the regional health offices, who are on the alert and continuously kept informed with regards to operational updates and guidelines codified at national level.
The situation is being constantly monitored by the local health authorities, who can guarantee the sanitary control of Tuscany via the adoption of actions and measures specifically geared towards prevention. Daily disinfection of regional trains and all local public transport has been intensified. In Tuscany’s airports, public spaces are being sanitised on a regular basis and handwash dispensers are available across the terminals.Should I cancel a trip?
Tuscany is not currently classed as a high risk area. In the event that cancellation is necessary, the general cancellation policy of the hotel/accommodation in question will apply. For detailed information, we recommend that you contact the hotel or accommodation that you have booked, and possibly your insurance company, if you have stipulated a cancellation policy for the trip.
If, however, you do decide to cancel your trip to Tuscany, we still suggest that you check with the accommodation or tour operator if it is possible to change the booking to another date.Once I’m in Tuscany, who can I contact in case of emergency?
In Tuscany you can get in contact with the health agencies by calling 1500, 24/7 public freephone number set up by the Ministry of Health.
Please use correct information on Covid-19: the Region has made a freephone number available to citizens at the regional helplines, which will be answered by highly-informed operators. The service is designed to provide clarification and advice about the measures and initiatives taken by the Tuscany Region on Coronavirus. The freephone number that you can call is 800.556060, option 1, open from Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm.
For those who have come into close contact with confirmed cases of Covid-19, and for anyone who in the last 14 days has returned to Italy from parts of China most affected by the virus or from the quarantine zones in Lombardy and Veneto, the following numbers have been made available by the health agencies:
- Asl central Tuscany (Florence, Prato, Pistoia, Empoli): 055.5454777
- Asl north-west Tuscany (Pisa, Livorno, Lucca, Massa Carrara, Viareggio): 050.954444 - Asl south-east Tuscany (Arezzo, Grosseto, Siena): 800.579579
If you are a Tour Operator and would like to receive information and contacts for a particular destination, write to contact@toscanapromozione.itWhat should I do to ensure I have a safe trip?
Here are some straightforward rules to help contain contagion from Coronavirus.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-based gel
- Avoid close contact with people, keeping a distance of at least one metre
- Do not shake hands or hug until the emergency has subsided
- Do not touch your mouth, eyes or/and nose with your hands
- Cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when you sneeze or cough, or sneeze or cough into the inner fold of your elbow
- If you have flu-like symptoms, do not go to the hospital emergency room or to a doctor’s surgery; call the freephone number 1500
- Clean surfaces with chlorine- or alcohol-based disinfectants.
- Use a mask only if you think you might be ill or if you assist ill people.
- MADE IN CHINA products and packages from China are not hazardous.
- Pets do not spread the new Coronavirus. It is always good practice to wash your hands after being in contact with animals.
How can I stay updated as the situation develops?
Tuscany Region has activated a special section on its website where you can find all information and updates, from health ordinances to logistical changes: