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Frittelle di San Giuseppe

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Adjust Servings:
350 gr. Rice Carnaroli
600 gr. Milk
600 gr. Water
1 Lemon zest grated
1 Orange zest grated
130 gr. All Purpose flour
Caster sugar
1 teaspoon Salt
to fry Seeds oil
Vanilla Flavour

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Frittelle di San Giuseppe

The original recipe for "la festa del Babbo" !


    A tasty and unique sweet you can eat only in Siena

    • Serves 4
    • Medium




    Today, March the 19th is Father’s Day and here in Siena we celebrate it with a particular sweet: le frittelle di San Giuseppe. This “fritter” is originally from Siena and the secret recipe is owned by Mr. Savelli “il frittellaio” of Piazza del Campo. His lodge (because it resembles a chalet you can see in the mountains) is set there from the 1st of February to the 20th of March, for so many years.

    So, if you are in the neighborhood you have to stop by and try them. It is worth it!

    In any case I can share with you my recipe, that it is said it is almost as delicious as his. 🙂


    Ah … I was about to forget! In Siena for saying Dad we don’t say “PapĂ ” we say Babbo !!!!





    Pour milk and water into a pot, add the rice and start cooking. Add 2/3 spoons of sugar and stir well.


    When the rice has absorbed all the liquid and it is creamy, turn off the flame. Add the grated zest and vanilla extract and stir well. Let the pot cool overnight. (you can live in the fridge for 1/3 days before cooking).


    When you decide to cook "Frittelle" take it out of the fridge and add the flour. Stir well.


    In a large skillet pour abundant seeds oil and when it is very hot start putting balls of the mixture with the help of a spoon. Let it fry at a high temperature without touching too much.


    When cooked drizzle with caster sugar and serve hot

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