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Pici Pasta

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Adjust Servings:
50 gr. Flour "0"
50 gr. All Purpose flour
55 gr. Water
1 table spoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 pinch Salt

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Pici Pasta

Tuscan Pici : a fresh, ancient and unique pasta


    A shape of Pasta with a long tradition that goes well with all kind of sauce

    • 70
    • Serves 1
    • Easy




    This is a pasta dough made without egg even if someone uses it, and rolled out by hand into long thin noodles.

    I suggest to use two different kinds of flour in 50% percentage for each. The flour I use is “0” and “00”.

    I consider 100gr. of flour and 55 gr. of lukewarm water, one pinch of salt and a table spoon of olive oil.




    Preparing the dough

    Put the flour onto a wooden bord. Form a mound and make a well in the centre.


    Kneading the dough and form noodles

    Take the flour from the sides and mix first with a fork and then with your hands. Knead the dough for about 6/8 minutes till the dough is compact and smooth. Flatten the dough rolling it out till it is about 1 cm. thickness. Pour some seeds oil on the top of the surface, cover with a plastic film and let it rest for about 20 minutes.


    Cutting the stripes

    Cut in strips as wide as they are thick , pour some seeds oil on the working surface and on your hands and roll them out as to obtain long and thin ropes. Dust with flour to stop the pasta sticking.

    Cook for about 5/6 minutes in plenty of boiling salted water.
    A thick, chuncky sauce with varying ingredients is most suitable for this pasta, but you can serve simply with bread crumbles like I did today.

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