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Pan Co’ Santi

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Adjust Servings:
2 kg All Purpose flour For six loaf
200 gr. Yeast
3 cups Water
1 pinch Salt
1 cup and a half Extra Virgin Olive Oil
to taste Sugar
250 gr Raisin
2 kg Walnuts with the shell
to taste Pepper

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Pan Co’ Santi

The All Saints' Bread


    A cake I make every year to celebrate All Saints' Day

    • 3 hours and a half
    • Serves 0
    • Medium




    The 1st of November is all Saints feast. In Italy we celebrate this solemnity in honour of all the Saints known or unknown. In Tuscany we have our cake to celebrate them that is called “Pan co’ Santi” or saints’ bread… where saints are represented by the precious ingredients that are inside the dough, like walnuts raisins…
    This is what my aunt and I made to celebrate this day with our family. The recipe that follows is for 6 loafs of “bread”.

    We usually made so many not only for eating them, but also as a good auspicious gift for our best friends.


    1 hour and a half

    Preparing the dough

    My aunt usually prepare the dough in a big bowl, but I suggest you to use a kneading machine.
    Crumble the yeast melt it in the water. Pour the flour into the bowl, add the water with the yeast and a pinch of salt. Work them untill they are well incorporated. Cover with a clingfilm and let it leaven approximately for one hour and a half, in any case untill it is doubled.

    1 hour

    Second leavening

    Add "Saints" into the dough and knead for few minutes. When the dough is homogeneous divide it into 5/6 loaves.
    Put them on a tray, cover with a clingfilm or a damp cloth and let them leaven for approximately one hour or when the loaves are doubled.

    1 hour


    When the loaves are well rised put into the oven at 150 °C for approximately one hour
    Check the inside with a wooden stick.
    You can serve it lukewarm or cold and accompanied with a good sweet wine like Vin Santo.

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