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The “Carabaccia”

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Adjust Servings:
1 kg. Red Onion
200 gr. Peeled Almonds
1,2 litre Vegetable broth
4 table spoon Pecorino Cheese
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Toasted bread

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The “Carabaccia”

Caterina De'Medici Florentine Soup


    The real recipe of "Carabaza de magro"

    • Serves 4
    • Easy




    This unique and typical dish is Caterina de’Medici’s onions soup, an easy but tasty soup.

    “Caterina De’Medici” descendent of the Florentine family, when she was 14 years old, married the Duke D’Orleans that lately  was crown as Henry II  King of France. She took with her good arts, delicacy and over all the art of cooking. It is said that she wanted her chefs to come with her because the French chefs had a lot to learn, in fact they didn’t use the fork . It was Caterina who taught them to use it and she taught also the “Carabaccia”.

    This soup has got more ancient origins. Its name originated from the greek name “karabòs” that means “shell”, “concave vessel”. From the greek name originates the term “carabazada” litteraly “soup tourin” that was the name “Cristoforo Da Messiburgo” gave for the first time to this soup. In the original recipe, that Leonardo Da Vinci asked during the banquet where he was invited, there were also almonds, “agresto” vinegar, sugar and cinnamon. During the Renaissance in fact it used to emphasize the food sweetness, but today it is not so appreciated. In fact the recipe you find today is not all the same. Some cooks prefers not to use sweet ingredients, others uses only sugar or cinnamon. In the one I propose to you I used only two table spoon of almonds and I added four slices of toasted bread and pecorino cheese.

    The onions property and healt benefits  are various: they reduce the risk of obesity, heart disease and cancer. They are high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.



    Peel off and slice the onions

    Clean and peel the onions in thin slices. It has been very hard for me to slice the whole onions! I kept crying the all time ! I have had some trick to follow, but they didn't help me ! So for me this step has each time a long duration !!!


    Put the onion in the saucepan and cook

    Put in the saucepan the onions, 8 table spoons of extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of salt and a glass of water. Let them simmer for 30 minutes. While the onions simmer prepare the vegetable broth (also using the stock cube). After that add 2 table spoons of almond finely pound and add the broth a little at a time.


    Pour in a earthenware soup toureen and grill

    Slice some slices of bread and toast them. Put on the bottom of the soup toureen, pour the soup over and drizzle with the grated pecorino cheese. Put into the oven at 200 °C for 5 minutes. Serve out like this or with a "C" of oil

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